Gyldendals ordbøger ‘Engelsk PRO’

Gyldendals ordbøger ‘Engelsk PRO’

Gyldendals ordbøger ‘Engelsk PRO’

Access information: Access on and off campus. 5 user licence.

Gyldendal ordbøger ‘Engelsk PRO’ is an essential and authoritative online dictionary resource for the Danish language. The platform itself has a large variety of language dictionaries. Our subscription gives us access to the following three Danish-English / English-Danish dictionaries:

  1. Gyldendal Dansk-Engelsk-Dansk Ordbog (Den Røde) = Danish-English / English-Danish dictionary
  2. Gyldendal Dansk-Engelsk-Dansk Ordbog (Den Store) = Danish-English / English-Danish comprehensive dictionary
  3. Gyldendal Dansk-Engelsk-Dansk Fagordbog = Danish-English / English-Danish dictionary of specialised terminology.

When you perform a search on the platform, it returns search results automatically from these three dictionaries instead of searching all the dictionaries individually.