Includes I

IBSS (International Bibliography of Social Science) Online

IBSS (International Bibliography of Social Science) Online

Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Produced by the British Library of Political and Economic Science. One of the largest and most comprehensive social sciences databases in the world, indexing 2600 journals and 6000 books per annum, in the core disciplines of economics, sociology, politics and anthropology.
Coverage: From 1951 to date.

Additional information

Further help using IBSS is available.

IBSS (International Bibliography of Social Science) Online


ICE Virtual Library

IEEE Xplore Digital Library

Publicly-available materials on the topic of Operations Research for Development

Trade Catalogues and the American Home

i-law Maritime

Illustrated London News

Image System for Books of Japanese Ruled Period


Immigration: Records of the INS, 1880-1930


Available via LexisLibrary

Independent Labour Party Records, 1893-1960

Independent Voices

India under Colonial Rule, 1752-1933

Indian Claims Insight

Index Islamicus

Index Islamicus (Alumni ed)

Index Theologicus

Index to Nineteenth-Century American Art Periodicals

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

Index to Printed Music

You should insert a summary of this page's content here.

Indianapolis Star

Informit Literature & Culture Collection

