NAACP Papers: Branch Department, Branch Files and Youth Department Files

NAACP Papers: Branch Department, Branch Files and Youth Department Files

NAACP Papers: Branch Department, Branch Files and Youth Department Files

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: The NAACP branch files in this module chronicle the local heroes of the civil rights revolution via NAACP branches throughout the United States, from 1913-1972. The contributions of scores of local leaders — attorneys, community organizers, financial benefactors, students, mothers, school teachers, and other participants — are revealed in these records. The Branch Department, Branch Files, and Youth Department Files in this module of NAACP Papers will allow researchers at all levels new opportunities to explore the contributions of NAACP local leaders. The branch files also indicate how effectively the NAACP national office used the branch network to advance the NAACP national program. The Youth Department Files document how the NAACP tapped the energy and talent of college students and other young people at the state and local levels.