Nazi Looted Art and Assets: Records on the Post-World War II Restitution Process, 1942-1998

Nazi Looted Art and Assets: Records on the Post-World War II Restitution Process, 1942-1998

Nazi Looted Art and Assets: Records on the Post-World War II Restitution Process, 1942-1998

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: This module focuses on the diplomatic, legal and political maneuvering during and after World War II regarding German art looting in Europe, recovery of cultural objects dispersed during World War II, efforts by the U.S. and other Allied Powers to prevent the secreting of Axis assets, claims from victims for financial or property restitution from the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), other claims cases, and meeting minutes and background materials regarding the Tripartite Commission for the Restitution of Monetary Gold.