United States and the Two Koreas, 1969-2000

United States and the Two Koreas, 1969-2000

United States and the Two Koreas, 1969-2000

Access information: Access on and off-campus.
Description: The National Security Archive's collection on U.S.-Korean relations covers the full range of diplomatic, security, and economic ties between Washington and Seoul, and the challenges to the U.S. posed by an adversarial North Korea. It spans events from the Nixon administration's response to the April 15, 1969 downing, by North Korean MiG-17s, of a U.S. EC-121 reconnaissance plane over the Sea of Japan, to efforts during the Clinton years to deter Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions. The collection contains approximately 1,800 records released by the State Department, the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency, and other agencies, as well as historical material compiled through research at the National Archives and the presidential libraries.