Vetstream Vetlexicon Vetstream Vetlexicon Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Vetstream’s Vetlexicon Canis, Felis, Lapis, Exotis, Equis and Bovis (dogs, cats, rabbits, exotics, horses and cattle) services are subscription based online encyclopaedias of point-of-care clinical veterinary information. The content is provided by 900 of the world's leading veterinary clinicians and includes more than 19,000 peer reviewed articles on diseases and their pathogens, diagnostic tests, medical and surgical treatments as well as breeds and owner factsheets and images, videos and heart sounds. The content is categorised into 30 body systems and disciplines and cross-linked to each other. This allows the veterinarian to move between all the relevant information relating to a particular case, enabling them to diagnose, treat and effectively communicate all the relevant information to the owner. Updated weekly. This article was published on 2024-08-21