ZETOC ZETOC Access information: Access on and off campus. THIS SERVICE WILL CEASE ON 1 AUGUST 2022. Description: Provides access to the British Library’s Electronic Table of Contents of approximately 35,200 current journals and more than 58 million article citations and conference papers. The database covers all subjects and is updated daily. Zetoc Alert is a current awareness service that sends you email alerts matching the search criteria that you have provided whenever new data is loaded into the database. The alerts may be for particular journals, for authors or for keywords from the titles of articles and papers. These email Alerts will be sent on the day the new data is loaded into the database (the database is updated each weekday so this can be as soon as 72 hours after publication). There is no limit on the number of Alerts lists that people can create, although there is a limit of 50 journals or searches in each Alert list. Zetoc Search allows you to search over 58 million journal and conference records. 3 search options are available: General Search to search for both journal articles and conference proceedings, Journal Search to search for journal articles, and Conference Search to search for just conference proceedings. Enter information into the search boxes provided and click 'Search' in order to retrieve your search results. Search results are displayed as brief records, divided into fields which are labelled to indicate their content e.g. title, author(s) etc. Click on a record's article title to view the full record. In the "Full text options" section of any Zetoc full record there are options to link to the full text (if available to you via your institution). Open Access records will have links to view the full text on the publisher website or Europe PMC. Zetoc RSS enables you to subscribe to feeds for individual journals. You can subscribe to the feed in various ways, depending on your chosen RSS reader. Coverage: 1993 to date. Updated daily. Additional information: Information on how to access ZETOC using a Z39.50 client such as EndNote: Using a Z39.50 client with ZETOC NHS Staff and other authorised users: The Knowledge Network This article was published on 2024-08-21