Portable document format (PDF) versions of the card index catalogue of recordings purchased before 2000 and held in the Main Library. Catalogue of LPs, cassettes and compact discs Classical Abel to Appenzeller Aquin to Azzaiolo Baaren to Banks Barbarino to Beethoven Behles to Bingen Birtwistle to Boulanger Boulez to Bryars Buchtger to Canteloube Caplet to Christmas Ciconia to Copland Crane to Daza Dean to Dering De Silva to Du Caurroy Dufay to Elgar Elizabethan to Feckler Ethnic records by country Felderhof to Foulis Francaix to Genzmer German to Gossec Fugger to Guyonnet Haarklou to Hawkins Haydn to Hermannus Herold to History Hoddinott to Inglot Inness to Johnson Jolivet to Kodaly Koechlin to Lawes Lebegue to Linz Liszt to Macmillan Machado to Maxwell Mayer to Milford Milhaud to Mower Mozart to Mushel Music to Nivers Nola to Pagh-Paan Paine to Phalese Philidor to Psathas Puccini to Rawsthorne Rebel to Rontani Roos to Saint Saens Salazer to Schottstaedt Schrader to Schulz Schuman to Severac Shakespeare to spirituals Spohr to Stravinsky Streiff to Taylor Tchaikovsky to Tunder Tura to Vierne Vieuxtemps to Weber Webern to Willaert Williams to Zwierzchowski Ethnic Ethnic records and CDs by country. Ethnic records by country Jazz Records and CDs. Jazz A - H Jazz I - Z American Recorded anthology of American music This article was published on 2024-08-21