
Collections for translation studies at the University of Edinburgh.

Most printed books and journals for Translation Studies are located in the Main Library, George Square.

Some older books are located in the Library Research Annexe from where items can be requested. All the materials are listed in the online catalogue.


To get a list of the books on the subject, search DiscoverEd for translating and interpreting and synonyms.


Journals for translation studies include:

  • Across languages and cultures
  • Babel
  • Confluências
  • Fan yi xue bao = Journal of translation
  • Journal of specialised translation Machine translation
  • Meta: journal des traducteurs
  • Perspectives: studies in translatology
  • Target
  • Translation studies
  • Translation and literature
  • Translation studies abstracts
  • The translator
  • TTR : Traduction, terminologie, rédaction ; études sur le texte et ses transformations Turjumān: revue de traduction et d’interprétation ; Journal of translation studies


For bibliographic indexes, citation indexes and full text articles on the subject area, see the databases for Translation Studies.