Library Updates Newsletter

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Library Updates Newsletter

Library Updates is a monthly online newsletter for staff, sharing the latest news on library services, resources and projects.

For questions about newsletter submissions, please email the Library Communications Group:

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Current issue

  • February 2025 (LGBTQ+ history, School of History, Classics and Archaeology (HCA), Heritage Collections)

Previous issues

December 2024 - January 2025Wellbeing, holidays, School of Divinity, New College Library
November 2024Music, St Cecilia's Day, Edinburgh College of Art (ECA)
October 2024Black History Month, School of Social and Political Science, School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
September 2024Welcome, Main Library, School of History, Classics and Archaeology
July - August 2024Work with international projects and partnerships, MVM Libraries
June 2024Teaching and learning, the Moray House School of Education and Sport
May 2024Library Wellbeing Collection, our new chatbot, how to find yourself in the Library
April 2024Systematic Reviews, our Art Collections, news from the Murray Library
March 2024AI and Scholarly Publishing, Resource List Developments for Law, Dissertation and Thesis Festival
February 2024LGBTQ+ History Month, new library tours, launch of the Funk Reading Room
December 2023 / January 2024Wellbeing, Health and Holidays
November 2023Dissertation and Thesis Festival, our success in the ISG Awards and the Bicentenary at the Royal (Dick) School. 
October 2023Equality Diversity and Inclusion, Black History Month, School of Social and Political Science and the Main Library.
September 2023Welcome Week events, and a focus on the Main Library and ECA Library.
July 2023Sustainability, Customer Service Excellence, and the Murray Library
June 2023Teaching and Learning, Moray House Library, Resource Lists
May 2023History and Heritage Collections at the University
April 2023Hospital Libraries, Medicine and Health in Social Science, Open Research
March 2023Helping our Students, Business, Law, and EdHelp
February 2023Widening Participation, Customer Service Excellence, and the Murray Library
December 2022/January 2023Wellbeing, School of Philosophy, Psychology, and Language Science
November 2022Research Data
October 2022 Open Access
September 2022Welcome to the University
July/August 2022Sustainability and Climate Issues
June 2022Public Health and the NHS
May 2022Examinations and Assessment
April 2022Student Employment and the Student Experience
March 2022Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
February 2022Creativity and Interdisciplinary Study
December 2021 / January 2022Wellbeing
November 2021Research
October 2021Teaching and Learning
September 2021Welcome to the University