Our roles and responsibilities outline what you can expect from Edinburgh Diamond and what we expect from you. Edinburgh Diamond's ResponsibilitiesFor all content Edinburgh Diamond will:Provide the service free of chargeIssue permanent identifiers, namely ISSNs, ISBNs and DOIs through the Library's respective membership accounts with the British Library, Nielsen and CrossrefHost the content on our open-source software platforms. Open Journal System (OJS) for journals and Open Monograph Press (OMP) for booksProvide technical support as needed, including migrations, upgrades, bug fixes and day-to-day maintenanceDigitally preserve the content in-house, as well as through memberships with LOCKSS and CLOCKSSProvide appropriate industry-standard policies, including a publication ethics statementProvide advice and best practice guidelines on issues pertaining to academic publishingConsult with experts in the Library to offer copyright adviceSubmit books and journals to relevant indexing databases to increase visibility and discoverability. We also help prepare your book or journal to ensure it meets eligibility criteria for the various indexing databasesProvide an annual report detailing article downloads, website traffic, journal- and article-level metrics, citations and other information. We will help you track ongoing performance and help you gain an understanding of the various metrics and how to measure success. Please note, the Library may make appropriate use of the statistical data.Additionally, for journals Edinburgh Diamond will:Help brand your journal webpages with your chosen colours and logosProvide documentation and initial training on using OJS to manage your publishing workflowService User's ResponsibilitiesService users will:List the University of Edinburgh as the publisher on all digital, printed and web matterPublish the content on the Edinburgh Diamond websiteMake the content fully Open Access under a Diamond Open Access modelLicense content under a Creative Commons license of your choiceEnsure authors retain copyright to their workEnsure published content does not infringe third-party copyright and that publishing practices comply with privacy legislation including GDPRRetain full editorial control of the content chosen for publication in the Journal. Please note, the Library reserves the right to investigate content that contradicts our Publication Ethics Statement or which may be deemed illegal, and to take said content down.Be responsible for managing publication workflow, including, where relevant:submissionspeer reviewcopy-editingtypesettingproofreadingFollow Edinburgh Diamond's policies on a best-endeavours basis, including our:publication ethics statementaccessibility guidanceInclude permanent identifiers in published content i.e. ISBN and University of Edinburgh as publisher in the copyright page of a book, DOIs on article PDFsRespond to communications from the Library in a timely fashionGive twelve months notice for leaving the serviceAdditionally, journal editors will:Publish content as per the journals publication scheduleInform Edinburgh Diamond of any journal management changesHave a management succession plan in place, particularly for journals where editorship changes frequentlyInterested in publishing with us?Submit a Proposal Edinburgh Diamond, Scholarly Communications Team Contact details Email: edinburgh.diamond@ed.ac.uk HTML Contact us through an online sign language interpreter British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact the University of Edinburgh via Contact Scotland BSL, the online British Sign Language video relay interpreting service. Find out more on the Contact Scotland BSL website This article was published on 2024-08-21
HTML Contact us through an online sign language interpreter British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact the University of Edinburgh via Contact Scotland BSL, the online British Sign Language video relay interpreting service. Find out more on the Contact Scotland BSL website