When I try to access e-resources I get an "authorisation failed" error message. What is wrong?

Some users may encounter the following error message when trying to access electronic resources.



authorisation failed

uun: [username]

mesg->error: Success

mesg->code: 0


You may get this error message because the University's authorisation service thinks that you are not allowed to access e-resources.

How do I resolve this?

Current students and staff

You should automatically have access to e-resources. If you get an error message please contact the IS Helpline.


Due to licensing agreements, not all visitors to the University of Edinburgh are allowed access to the University’s e-resources. Access is determined by your role at the University and under what category in the Visitor Registration System (VRS) you have been registered.

In the first instance please contact the IS Helpline who will arrange for your entitlement status to be checked.


If you have graduated from the University of Edinburgh you are no longer entitled to access the majority of the University’s e-resources as licensing agreements prohibit access to anyone other than current students and staff.

However, graduates of the University of Edinburgh will have remote access to some e-resources.  See the list at Alumni A-Z.  JSTOR access can be set up through the MyEd Alumni portal.


If you have applied to study at the University of Edinburgh you are not entitled to access the University’s e-resources as licensing agreements prohibit access to anyone other than current students and staff.

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