Library food and drink policy

Our food and drink policy exists to prevent damage to Library collections, equipment, furniture or premises. It also helps us provide an environment that respects all students' study needs. Policies vary among library locations. 

Main Library
  • Covered drinks are allowed throughout the library.
  • Eating is only allowed on ground floor foyer (excl. PC desks). No hot food is allowed anywhere in the library.    
  • Water fountains are available supplying chilled, filtered water for you to fill up water bottles.
  • Hot water is available on Floor 1 and Floor 4.  
Noreen and Kenneth Murray Library
  • Covered drinks are allowed throughout the library. 
  • Eating is allowed between the 1st and 3rd floors. Hot food is only allowed in the café area.
  • Water fountains are available supplying chilled, filtered water for you to fill up water bottles.   
Law, Veterinary, Royal Infirmary, Western General Hospital, Moray House , Edinburgh College of Art and Art & Architecture Libraries
  • Covered drinks are allowed throughout the library.
  • No food is allowed anywhere in the library.  Food includes biscuits, crisps and other packaged snacks. 
 New College Library
  • Water only in covered container.
  • No food is allowed anywhere in the library. Food includes biscuits, crisps and other packaged snacks.
Scottish Studies Library 
  • Bottled water only; no other drinks.
  • No food is allowed anywhere in the Archive & Library. Food includes biscuits, crisps and other packaged snacks.