Locations of collections

We always try to make collections available in the best location for use. This means actively reviewing collection locations, and moving collections to best suit current user needs.

The table below denotes the current location of collections in the Main Library and Library Annexe.

Locations of collections
Collection Current Location
High Use Book (HUB) Collection Ground Floor
Library of Congress Current Lending Collection (categories A-PB, including Music) Floor 2
Library of Congress Current Lending Collections (categories PC-Z) Floor 3
East Asian Studies Collection Floor 3
Main Library Journals Floor 4
Dewey Older Lending Collection Floor 4
Newspapers Floor 4
Centre of African Studies (CAS) Collection Floor 4
Serjeant, Watt and Smith Collections Floor 4
Special Collections Floor 6 (Centre for Research Collections)
University Archives Floor 6 (CRC)
Lothian Health Services Archive Floor 6 (CRC)
Linguistic Atlases Library Annexe (LA)
Map Reference Library Annexe (LA)
Microfilms of Newspapers Library Annexe (LA)
Dewey Reference Collection Main Library Closed Stack (please use request form available via Library Locations page)