Includes J

Japan Knowledge


J-DAC Collection of Magazines on Japanese Mass Entertainment and Sexual Customs

J-DAC Documents Related to Tokyo Trials and War Trial

J-DAC PSO: Prefectural Statistics Online

Japan Knowledge

Japan and the US, Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations, Part II, 1977-1992

Japan and the US: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations, Part I, 1960-1976

Japan and the US: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations, Part III, 1961-2000

Jerusalem Post

Japanese American Incarceration: Records of the War Relocation Authority, 1942-1946

The Jewish Advocate

The Jewish Exponent


Japanese e-books via Ebsco

JFK's Foreign Affairs and International Crises, 1961-1963

The John Johnson Collection


JISC MediaHub

Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI)

Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Tools

Journal Citation Reports

Journal de Trevoux


Japan Times Archive and Japan Times Online