J-DAC Documents Related to Tokyo Trials and War Trial

J-DAC Documents Related to Tokyo Trials and War Trial

J-DAC Documents Related to Tokyo Trials and War Trial (Japan Digital Archives Center)

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Over 360 volumes of compilations and related materials, investigation documents, collected materials, such as historical overviews produced by the Ministry of Justice, from Judicial System and Research Department research on war crimes trial material transferred from the Ministry of Justice to the National Archives. The volumes are arranged in 3 parts:

  • Part I: Historical overview and compilation-related material/research material. Contains historical compilations and compilation-related material assembled by the Ministry of Justice.
  • Part II: Investigation reports Contains records of interviews with over 100 witnesses from the former Imperial navy and army, and the foreign ministry.
  • Part III: Collected resources/Notes by staff responsible for material on war criminals Group of primary source materials on the Tokyo Trial and war crimes, gathered by the Ministry of Justice, with particular emphasis on records of the debate around war crimes and the "definition of aggression" at the UN, and Japan's response to these.
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