Includes L

Landmap Spatial Discovery

Landmap Spatial Discovery

Late Qing Dynasty Full Text Database 1833-1911

Labor Unions in the U.S., 1862-1974: Knights of Labor, AFL, CIO, and AFL-CIO

Labor Priests: Progressive Politics and the Catholic Church, John A. Ryan Papers, 1892-1945

Latino Civil Rights during the Carter Administration

Latin American Drama

Latinx Thought and Culture: The NPR Archive, 1979-1990

Late Qing Dynasty Periodicals

Law and Society since the Civil War

Law Library of Congress Reports

Library of Latin Texts Online (Series A+B)

Learning Exchange

Lexis 360 Etudiant (previously JurisClasseur)

Lexis+ Legal Research

Lexis+ Practical Guidance

LGBT Magazine Archive

LGBT Thought and Culture

LGBTQ+ Rights

Libraries in a Digital Age

Library and Information Science and Technology Abstracts (LISTA)

Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)

Liverpool University Press Open Access

The Listener Historical Archive 1929-1991

Literary Print Culture : The Stationers’ Company Archive

Literary Reference Centre via EBSCO

Literary Reference Centre eBook Collection

Literary Reference Centre eBook Collection

Literature Online (LION)

Literaturnaia Gazeta Digital Archive

Lidar Digimap