Lexis 360 Etudiant (previously JurisClasseur)

Lexis 360 Etudiant (previously JurisClasseur)

Lexis 360 Etudiant (previously JurisClasseur)

Access information: Access on and off campus. Please note that access to this resource is dual authenticated. You must to be on the University of Edinburgh IP address ranges AND you need a personal username and password, which you create yourself. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN.

Instructions to create a personal username and password:

  1. On the Lexis360 homepage, click the SE CONNECTER button.
  2. On the right side of the page under ” PREMIERE VISITE “, click on CREER MON COMPTE button
  3. Follow the on screen instructions to create your personal username and password. NB when asked to input your email address, this MUST be your University of Edinburgh (@ed.ac.uk or @sms.ed.ac.uk) email address.
  4. On second and subsequent visits, simply input your username and password.

This French language database offers access to legal news and case law decisions. It contains JurisClasseur encyclopaedias and legal journals, editions of La Semaine Juridique, based on Jurisprudence (including JurisData), Official Journal Laws and Decrees, Official Bulletins, legislation (EU), case law (EU), doctrine and legal journals. Covering public law, private law and criminal sciences: civil law, tax law, medical and hospital law, pharmaceutical law, local law of Alsace-Lorraine.