Black History Month

Find out about how the Library is supporting Black History Month with various events and resources. Each October Black History Month celebrates and commemorates the history of the African and Caribbean communities and their diasporas.

Image of Africa in the Mercator Atlas
Opening of Gerard Mercator's 1613 Atlas showing the continent of Africa.

Black History Month in the UK-Views from Home and the Diaspora

Black History Month will be marked this year by this Library and University Collections event. We have invited five outstanding UoE academics and commentators who will share thoughts on the theme : Black History Month in the UK-Views from Home and the Diaspora.

Black History Month in the UK-Views from Home and the Diaspora

Black History Month Book display

Library books showcased for Black History Month in our Main Library display

Black History Month Book Display in the Main Library 

Black History Month Resource List

A selection of reading from our collections for Black History Month.

Black History Month - Resource List

Explore related digital library resources and more in our Library Subject Guides

African Studies Guide

Race and Decolonial Studies Guide

The Library also currently has trial access to ProQuest Black Studies (until 15 November 2023). Find out more and access:

E-resources Trials

Discover research resources in our Heritage Collections

Heritage Collections

Previously in Black History Month at University of Edinburgh Libraries

Edward Enninful takes centre stage at ECA Library –  2022

On trial: Black Newspaper Collection  - 2021

5 recommended Library resources for Africa Week  - 2019

Revealing and Expanding Diversity in our Library Collections -  2018