Main Library Floor Occupancy Indicator

A visual indicator of the occupancy in the Main Library in real time, on each floor.

This service is currently unavailable.

We are providing a graphical visualisation on a single display screen in the forum of the Main Library as an indicator of how busy each floor of the Main Library is at any given time, which may be helpful when looking for study spaces when visiting the Main Library.  The display screen is in the forum adjacent to the Reception.

Updated every 5 minutes, you can see an indicator of occupancy based upon connections to the wifi access points in the Main Library. 

The wifi data is derived from existing information sources – wifi access point logs - and has been anonymised. Encryption methods and de-identification processes are used to ensure privacy is protected. Any identifiable data held within the system is rendered unidentifiable through the application of a secure crypto-hash and randomly assigned replacement de-identifier mechanism, prior to analysis both for real-time monitoring and scheduled reporting.

We have carried out a detailed privacy impact assessment, which has included reviews by our Data Protection Officer, as well as the Governance & Ethics Action Group on the Internet of Things Programme. We have also carried out a security assessment of the solution.

If you wish to provide feedback on this service please contact us via EdHelp

Related Links

Main Library Floor Occupancy Indicator - Privacy Notice